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Corey Wayne How To Be A 3 Man Pdf Download: The Ultimate Guide to Dating and Relationships


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UnderstandingRelationshipsHOW TO BE ACOREY WAYNEMAN%3LearnPickup, Dating & Relationship Secrets That Only 3% Of TheWorlds Men Know About Being Successful With Women!.comHOW TO BE A3% MANWinning the Heart of the Woman of Your DreamsBy Corey Wayne2013 Corey WayneISBN # 978-1-4116-7336-6All RightsReservedHONORThis book is dedicated to the American soldier. Nomatter whether the cause is popular or not, I am in awe of the factthat when their country calls them, they go, and they go willingly.They take our place on the battlefield, risking everything theyhave, because it is part of who they are. They all are my heroesand I owe all of my success, happiness, and opportunities to past,present, and future generations of their kind. May God keep themsafe and speed the day to us when their sacrifice is no longerrequired because humanity has learned that the real enemy is hatreditself and the way to real happiness is unconditional love. Untilthat day comes I take great pride and comfort in knowing they willcontinue to stand up and show us what real honor and integrity is.I dedicate my life to helping bring humanity closer together, andalways giving my gifts to the world in hopes that I may honor allof their collective sacrifices so they are not invain.iiiACKNOWLEDGEMENTSI would like to thank my mother who taughtme to be so determined and never give up no matter what. I wouldalso like to thank Tony Robbins for being such a great leader andmentor in my life. I would also like to thank my dad for teachingme the difference between right and wrong. I am grateful for theclose relationship we have today I love you very much. I also wouldlike my brother Chris to know how proud I am to have you as mybrother. All you have gone through to achieve your dreams isinspiring to me. I love you very much.For all the women in my lifewho have helped me become the man I am today: I am grateful. Youknow who you are.I would also like to express my gratitude to you,the reader. You are embarking on a journey that will change theworld. By becoming the loving person you are inside and beingcomfortable with that person, you unconsciously give permission toall others to do the same. Your children will grow up in ahousehold where they get to see first hand what a trulyunconditional, loving relationship is like. Therefore they will goout into the world and model your success. This will continue toimpact society for generations to come and start reducing theamount of dysfunctional relationships that exist today.The benefitswill be too far reaching to imagine. The surface benefits will behappier kids, aunts, uncles, grandparents, parents, teachers,workers, etc., which will translate into less crime, less hate,more understanding, and a world that continues to come closer andcloser together in love until one day hatred becomes a thing of theivpast. The light always scatters the darkness. The higher energyof love always replaces the lower energies of hate andresentment.vTable of ContentsPart I: In the Beginning......................................................................1Introduction........................................................................................1WhyThis Book Was Written............................................................9WhyYou Need To Read This Book More Than Once ...................23PartII: The Way Things Are...........................................................34MyEvolution of Understanding......................................................34Why YouShould Not Get Advice From Women about Women ....40Why Women Wantto Chase You...................................................41Why You ShouldNever Listen To Your Friends about DatingAdvice..............................................................................................47HowMany Healthy Relationships Do You See Out There?...........49Perceptions of Control.....................................................................51Masculineand Feminine Energy.....................................................52Part III:The Art of Understanding.................................................57Looking forLove.............................................................................57DontBe So Serious........................................................................59Compliments:From the Beginning.................................................65What WomenEmotionally RespondTo..........................................66Women Fall in Love aLot Slower than Men ..................................74Women AreLike Cats, Men Are Like Dogs...................................79Knocking Out theCompetition........................................................81PartIV: Its Not All AboutYou.......................................................86MakingYour Ideal Womans List of Qualities...............................86Becoming the Person You Want toAttract .....................................89Where Do You Go ToMeet Women?.............................................93MeetingWomen on the Internet......................................................95DealingwithInsecurity....................................................................96viControlFreaks and AbusiveMen....................................................98The Needfor Certainty..................................................................100StayingOnTrack...........................................................................102ThePurpose of All Relationships..................................................104Making LastingChange.................................................................106PartV: Making YourMove............................................................111Approachingthe BeautifulWoman...............................................111The Path toSuccess.......................................................................115TheMany Shades ofNo.............................................................124AgainIts Not All about You.....................................................126Handlingthe Pressure Points.........................................................129Timingis Everything.....................................................................131TheTest of Time...........................................................................133ItsAll in the Numbers..................................................................146PartVI: The FirstStep....................................................................157YourFirst Date..............................................................................157Dosand Donts of the First Date...................................................160The Secret ofDating......................................................................162TheKiss Test.................................................................................167TheRight Approach......................................................................171PartVII: Keep ItSteady!................................................................178Continuethe Mystery....................................................................178ThePursuit.....................................................................................180MovingInto Relationships............................................................186TestingDuring the First 60Days...................................................189The BigBounce.............................................................................192TheLWord................................................................................194PartVIII: Solving theMystery.......................................................197PayAttention!................................................................................197viiTheArt ofCommunication............................................................204TheArt ofKnowing.......................................................................211WeatheringtheStorm....................................................................214WomenDont Lie Men Dont Listen.........................................218The Secret Language ofWomen ...................................................219PartIX:Taking it to the Next Level...............................................222Sharing ofYourself........................................................................222TheGift..........................................................................................225ItFeels Like Making Love............................................................227TheFinalCommitment..................................................................231PartX: Keeping It AllTogether.....................................................235TheCare and Feeding ofWomen..................................................235Keepingthe MagicAlive...............................................................238Polarityis the Key to Maintaining Desire.....................................242Become Comfortable BeingYourself ...........................................248The ManyFaces of Endings..........................................................249TheTen Disciplines of Love.........................................................251Conclusion........................................................................................2571PartI: In the BeginningIntroductionThe beginning. That is the placewhere men need to get back to in order to make the changes neededto win the heart of the woman of their dreams. It is time to goback and decide what you really want, who you really are, and whatyou plan to do with the wealth of information that I will beteaching you throughout this book.As the story goes, in thebeginning there was only one man, Adam, and there was one speciallady, Eve, created just for him. Life would be so much simpler ifthat were the case for us today. No muss and fuss of dating, noworry that our lady is going to walk out the door and into the armsof another man there was no other man. Here is the greatest thingabout this book. While you may not be able to create that onespecial lady just for you, I am going to teach you what to look forin a woman and how to find and attract the woman that you ideallywant. When you finally do meet her, I am going to teach you how toapproach her. You will learn what to say and especially what not tosay to turn her off. Basically, what I will be teaching you is theart of being a 3% man.The next obvious question is: Okay, what is a3% man? This is a very important concept in that you will belearning over the course of this book. I am not trying to tell youto be only 3% man and open the rest of your masculinity to exploreyour feminine side. The 3% man is one of the 3 men out of 100 thata woman meets and is drawn to because he understands who she is andbetter yet, understands who he is. In life, usually the top 3% inany field or area make most of the How To Be A 3% Man2money, enjoymost of the success, have the best toys, date the most beautifulpeople and generally live the kind of lives most people only dreamof.Why does being in this 3% matter? Simply stated, it mattersbecause these are the men that women are drawn to. One of the mostimportant things to understand when you meet a woman is that womenlove mystery. They love a guy that is his own man despite whatothers think about him or who he should be. They love a guy that isconfident and goes for what he wants in life without fear. Theywant a man that is centered, one that is in control of himself, haspurpose, and knows where he is going. A woman wants a man she canthave her way with, and no matter what she says or does, she is notgoing to be able to sway him from his path or from his purpose inlife.A true Alpha Male, a man who goes for what he wants and haspositive expectations that he will achieve his goals, will choosehis purpose and his passion over a woman if faced with the choice.Masculine energy, after all, is about purpose, drive, mission,succeeding, accomplishing, breaking thru barriers, achieving goals,etc.Be honest, gentlemen, if you did not care at all, you would nothave picked up this book. Obviously, something is not working withwhat you are already doing. Women love men that understand them andhow attraction works. If you ask most guys if they understandwomen, they look at you like you are speaking a foreign language.Most guys are clueless in that department. The sad reality is, mostmen are talking women right out of dating them, sleeping with them,having a relationship with them, etc. because they simply have noidea what creates attraction and what turns a woman off.Part I: Inthe Beginning3What this book will do for you is to give you morethan just a clue. It will give you a whole new insight intounderstanding women. The subtle differences that make thedifference in attracting women. I will take you through the processof understanding, step-by-simple-step. This book was designed togive you the answers to the questions you have about womenregarding pickup techniques, dating skills, relationship skills,communication, attraction, sex, etc.Think of this book as acoaching manual that gives you the baseline knowledge of how tointeract with women successfully. Throughout the book I will giveyou search terms you can Google that will bring up specificarticles and YouTube videos on my website that go into more detailof the essential skills, techniques and knowledge related tospecific parts of this book. Many of the articles on my websitehave the actual emails included from other readers/viewers. I haveanalyzed and diagnosed their emails and inserted my comments inthem so you can learn from where they went wrong. Since most peoplefind out about my book from my website and the fact that I havecreated thousands of articles and videos since publishing the firstedition of this book, its easier to reference them throughout thisbook instead of trying to incorporate them all here.I will take youfrom your initial meeting to making love for the first time. Thisbook will help to lift the cloudy haze that surrounds the mysteriesof the pickup, dating and relationship world, understanding women,and will give you clear insight into achieving your goals.I willexplain why women fall for the jerks and blow off the nice guys.You will learn to understand the meaning of everything she says toyou. You will learn that women tend to be driven by emotion andconnection instead of logic and reason like men are. Feminineenergy How To Be A 3% Man4is about opening up to receive love,bonding, connection, etc. Women are physically, emotionally,mentally and spiritually designed to receive a man. I will take youfrom the initial moment of meeting your dream lady to the day youwalk down the aisle to get married and live happily ever after, ifthats your goal. You can also use what I teach to meet and datelots of different women until you figure out what you really want.The best is yet to come. I will also teach you, once you land Mrs.Right, how to keep her madly in love with you so that you do livehappily ever after.In this book you will learn things that manywomen do not even understand about themselves. Why do women saythey want one thing and then respond to another? Most important ofall, I will teach you how to win the heart of the beautiful womanof your dreams. That is not a misprint. If you allow yourself totake my guidance and are willing to learn, I will give you theskills and tools to help you finally understand women and have therelationship of your dreams.The wonderful truth is that if youtreat a woman properly and allow her to come to you at her own pacewith minimal and simple actions on your part, she will do most ofthe chasing, calling, texting & pursuing! That allows you tofocus on whats most important in any mans life, your mission andpurpose! Ironically, the more you focus on and passionately pursueyour purpose in life, the more attractive women will find you ingeneral. A man pursuing a purpose he has a burning desire toaccomplish gives off a much happier, peaceful, relaxed, successful,inviting, confident and positive vibe than a guy who hates his job,his life and his circumstances.What you will learn from me is whatonly about 3 out of every 100 men know, and that is how tounderstand women. Once you Part I: In the Beginning5understand andapply the principles in this book to your dating and relationships,you will be in the top 3% of men out there. You can be confidentthat you will have little or no competition when you finally targetthe woman of your desires. Especially when you can notice and seefirst hand with your own eyes and ears how badly the average guy isblowing it with women. Google Corey Wayne Why You Have NoCompetition.You do not have to look like Brad Pitt to own the heartof a beautiful woman. If you are single, there is an amazinglybeautiful woman out there, desperate to meet the man you really areon the inside. I will teach you how to become balanced, centered,and confident with women, and to no longer be intimidated by them,even the beautiful ones. You will learn that you MUST treat allwomen the same. As a matter of fact, a big reason why guys failwith women they have a perfectly good chance of seducing is becausethey treat women they like and want differently than women theydont. They put women on a pedestal and treat them like a celebrityinstead of a real human being. They act like they are unworthy ofher and dont even realize that theyre doing it! Women have nochoice but to agree with their bad behavior and reject them.Some ofthe things I will teach you in order to become successful withwomen may seem the opposite of what you think you should do. If youwant to meet and own the heart of the woman of your dreams, or getyour wife to fall back in love with you, then this book is the keyto that kingdom. These principles apply to women everywhere in theworld, regardless of their location or culture. I coach men fromall over the world and from some of the most conservativesocieties. Guess what? Women and men respond emotionally to whatthey respond to, no matter where they live or what their culturalbackground is.How To Be A 3% Man6Becoming successful with womenstarts before you ever even meet a woman that you want to date. Youfirst need to learn how to attract the right woman into your life.Once you meet her, you have to know what to say, what not to say,and how to get her contact information so you can later call andtake her out on a date, or if youre really confident you can make adate the moment you meet her. You want to take measured, consistentsteps with women, practice what I teach and take risks based uponyour own comfort level. Progress always involves risk. You can'tsteal second base & keep your foot on first. FrederickWilcox.Then comes the next step how long after you get herinformation should you wait to call? Do you call her the next day?Do you wait a week? Do you call her in two days? Make a date on thespot? What do you do? My goal with the techniques and strategies Iteach is to give you plenty of tools for your pickup, dating andrelationship toolbox. Once you understand the mindset and actions aman should take, the words really dont matter. It is HOW you saythings rather than what you say that matters.From the time you meetyour lady to the point where youve been together for ten years ormore, you are always going to be gauging what her level ofattraction to you is, and what her emotional attraction to you is.The simple principle that all this is based upon is that when womenhave a high level of attraction, they help you. In other words, ifyou just met a woman and you want to ask her out on a date, she isgoing to help you get to her front door or meet up for a date. Shewill make it easy for you.Adam Carolla, the comedian, says thatwhen a woman likes you, she starts opening her doors and all youhave to do is walk through Part I: In the Beginning7them, but ifthey start closing in your face you simply walk away. The key is toknow when to walk away and when to take action. Guys who fail withwomen tend to chase and pursue too much to the point of appearinglike a stalker when they sense a woman pulling away. Google CoreyWayne Act Like A Stalker Get Rejected. I like to call this theillusion of action. They falsely believe that by taking action theywill make something happen. Unfortunately, all that happens is thatthey make the girl go away and start ignoring them.The lower herlevel of attraction is, the harder it is going to be to get to herfront door or meet up for a date, if at all. So throughout thisprocess of going back to the beginning and re-learning how toapproach women, you will be learning what to say, how to say it,and you will know how to respond to her questions and her tests.Make no mistake all women test. They test because they want to knowwhat it is that you are made of. They want to know that if theypush you or lean on you, that you are not going to fall over andcave in to what they want. Google Corey Wayne Women Bluff To TestYour Strength.They want you to act like more of a man than they do.A man is supposed to be the leader and gently lead the interactionto where he wants it to go. Ultimately, a man and a woman who likeeach other eventually end up having sex. That is after all, theobject of seduction. The purpose of a date is to create a funfilled romantic opportunity for sex to happen. Biologically, menand women are driven to mate with the most dominant member of theopposite sex. Attractive and healthy bodies are indicative ofpeople with strong genes who will produce strong offspring that cansurvive to adulthood and reproduce. This perpetuates anothersuccessful generation with the family genes being passed on. I willteach you the behaviors, body language, physiology How To Be A 3%Man8and words of a dominant male so you can start succeeding withwomen like never before.On my website( and YouTube Channel(CoachCoreyWayne) I discuss questions from people just like you whoare implementing what I teach. I critique their game by commentingon what they are doing right, what they are doing wrong and whatthey need to do in the future to improve. I encourage you to signup for my FREE eNewsletter on my website or subscribe to my YouTubeChannel to fine tune your approach.Part I: In the Beginning9WhyThis Book Was WrittenLet me ask you a few questions and see whetheror not they hit close to home for you: Are you one of those guysthat has said more than once: Why is it that the women I want neverwant me, and the ones I dont want are crazy about me? Have you meta beautiful woman that you just knew was your soulmate, but shewould never give you your first date or go out with you on a seconddate? Have you ever asked a woman why she would not go out with youand she never gives you what seems to be a straight answer? Haveyou ever felt that a woman really liked you and she even gave youher phone number, but then would never go out with you? Have youever had women flake on you and cancel dates at the last minute forBS reasons? Do you feel like women have been giving you the runaround? Have you ever had a girlfriend say to you: Can we just befriends? We need to take a break. Im confused, etc. when youthought everything was going great? Has she ever said she justwanted to be friends after telling you a few weeks before that sheloved you? Do you have a hot girl friend that you would like toturn into a girlfriend? Google Corey Wayne How To Turn A FriendInto A Girlfriend and Corey Wayne Stuck In The Friendship Zone? HowTo Turn A Girl How To Be A 3% Man10Friend Into A Girlfriend andCorey Wayne Asking Friends To Become Girlfriends. Are you in arelationship that is not going well and you have no clue how toturn it around? Has your wife or girlfriend of how ever many yearsstopped being the feminine woman you fell in love with? Has yourwife or girlfriend ever uttered those fateful words: You neverlisten to me? Has your wife left you and you are still trying tofigure out what the hell happened? Has a woman ever said things toyou that just do not make sense? Has your girlfriend or wife eversaid it was okay for you to do something and then you did it andshe was pissed off? Are you totally confused about women and feelas though you do not have a clue how to understand them? Have youever had a woman break a date and tell you she really wanted to seeyou, but you could never seem to coordinate that date to go outwith her? Have you ever made a date with a lady and she told you tocall before you came to pick her up, and then could never get herto pick up her phone again? Do you feel like women in general donot make any sense, that they say one thing and do another, or makeyou feel as though they like you and then never will go out withyou? Do you feel like nothing you do seems to make your lady happyeven when you do what she says she wants?Part I: In the Beginning11After all your years of dating do you feel like you still havenever been able to get the type of lady you know in your heart youreally want and deserve? Are you a really nice guy that always getsdumped for the bad boy by your ladies? Google Corey Wayne Why NiceGuys Finish Last and Nice Guy Finishes Last Again and Youre TooMuch Of A Nice Guy. Have you ever seen a drop dead gorgeous womanwith a man that is well lets say challenged in the looks departmentand wondered to yourself: How did he do that?This book is for thoseguys that have met a woman and could not ever seem to get to herfront porch or meet her for a first date. It is for those guys thathave maybe met a woman, went out on a first date and thoughteverything was great, but then cannot seem to ever get her on thephone again. It is for those guys who have met a woman they thoughtseemed really interested and she gave them a phone number, but thenthey cannot seem to get her on the phone, she has lame excuses asto why she cant see him this week, or she is always busy. It is forthose guys that may have been dating a woman for a while and werespending a lot of time together, but then all of the sudden shestarted cutting the dates short, she startscalling/texting/messaging less and less, she has other things goingon, or she is just not as available as she used to be.This book isalso for guys that are married. The first thing a 3% man learns isthat the courtship never stops. Google Corey Wayne The CourtshipNever Ends. This book is for those guys that may have been marriedfor some time and now your wife does not ever want to touch you. Itis for those guys that maybe want to take their wives out How To BeA 3% Man12to dinner and find that their women never want to spendany time with them. Its for those guys who want to get the sexualattraction spark back in their relationship so their wives look atthem with the same desire and interest that they used to.I used tobe one of those guys. Let me share My Story:Growing up I rememberhaving a lot of crushes on girls, but never getting the ones Iwanted. When I tried to get the ones I wanted, my heart was usuallystomped on. In high school, I would write letters to girls I likedor get my friends to ask them out for me. I was so scared ofrejection I could barely talk to the ones I was really interestedin. I felt completely inadequate around women in general. GoogleCorey Wayne 3 Ways To Seduce Women.Ever so slowly I overcame myfear of just talking to them and took the safe approach byrepressing my feelings. I did not know it at the time, but when aguy holds back because he does not know what to say, is fearful orsimply intimidated by women, flirting and talking with womenbecomes awkward and the women can feel it; this leads to rejection.My favorite approach back then? I decided to take the friendshiproute to their heart. I invested months in this process and when Icould no longer take it, I would tell them how I really felt. Forsome strange reason they still wanted to just be friends.At thetime I did not get it. Let me rephrase that: I did not have a clue!My senior high school prom was interesting. I had a crush on a girlin my class who had a boyfriend. While at a party I asked anothergirl I liked to go to prom and her response was: I dont know youvery well.In my infinite wisdom, I tried to reason with her andconvince her to say yes. I had yet to learn that women areemotional beings and like Part I: In the Beginning13to connect andcreate rapport via conversation, similar experiences and emotions.Guys tend to be logic and reason driven. If a womans emotions arenot engaged, it will always be fruitless. My assurances that wewould get to know each other at prom and that I had a lot ofpopular friends did not seem sway her. I could not understand herlogic. My thought was: Hey, Im a Senior and shes only a Junior (myfallacy of using male logic and reason to get women to do what youwant).It didnt make sense to me. Heres a clue, guys, her responseactually meant: No thank you, I am not interested in going out withyou or getting to know you at all. So why did she not just comeright out and say that?Well get to that a little later. Back toprom: A friend of a friend set me up with yet another friend as ablind prom date. Well, once we pulled up in the limo to pick her upI realized she was much taller than I was. She was a volley ballplayer and a very nice girl, just like her friend said she was. Wehad fun together.The next morning I realized why she set me up withher very tall friend. She had ulterior motives. My friend Carlsdate had asked him to the prom. Carl had asked me to ask one of thecheerleaders that was a friend of mine to prom for him. She said:No thanks.He was the type of friend that would do anything foranyone. He was a great guy, but unfortunately he knew as much aboutwomen as I did, which was nothing. The girl that went with Carlonly wanted someone to go with; she had no real interest in him.Carl promptly decided to fall in love with her. Once we were allback at the hotel Carl got pretty upset when he tried to make hismove and got rejected. How To Be A 3% Man14He had a lot to drinkand kept going on and on about how he had been rejected by his dateto everyone he saw.Our senior class had the whole floor of thehotel. You can imagine what was going on with all thoseunsupervised drunk teenagers. Party like a rockstar! The nextmorning, I woke up to my feet being rubbed by the friend that hadset me up with my prom date. She was dating another friend of mineand apparently had a crush on me.At the time I thought: Great,another one who wants me that I dont want, and the one I do want iswith someone else. I had a crush on someone else who had aboyfriend. Thats pretty much how my life went on for a few yearsafter that. I seemed to always want a girl that was unavailable orhad no interest in me. I figured over time she would fall for me.If I could just be a nice enough guy, then she would like me. Itnever worked. Nice guys always seem to finish last. Why is that?Ikept trying to figure women out. I became better at approachingthem with time, but back then I used alcohol to overcome myinsecurities. In the next few paragraphs I have included briefstories of the ones I felt were turning points in my life or when Ilearned a great deal more that helped to lift the cloudy veil frommy understanding of women.When I was 24, I met a girl that was afriend of one of my best buddies. I was instantly enamored with herand better yet, she really seemed to like me. I got her number andcalled her at work and she said she would call me back later. Thenext day she actually did call me back. I was stunned. I had a liveone!She did a lot of the talking. I didnt say much at the timebecause I was in shock. I just kept asking questions because Iwanted to know Part I: In the Beginning15everything about her. Shewas fascinating to me! To me she was a perfect 10: Long, dark,straight hair, beautiful hazel eyes, very tan skin, 105 pounds and5 2. She was really sweet and friendly and very forward. She askedme if I wanted to go to lunch, and I told her I would have to checkmy schedule and get back to her.I am kidding. I made plans rightthere on the spot. Tip: when a woman asks you out or suggests thatyou go on a date it means she has a high level of attraction foryou.I was a project engineer at the time for a construction companyin Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, working on a project right on theocean. She showed up for our date, on time, and in thisunbelievably tight outfit with very short shorts that showed heramazingly heavenly figure off. She took my breath away, as well asthat of everyone else sitting at the conference table in the onsiteconstruction office.I felt like I was walking on air as I casuallystrolled over to give her a hug. She smelled like candy. When wewalked outside, she was chatting away and touching my arm (physicalcontact is another indicator of attraction a woman as for you. Thehigher her attraction the more she will want to have her hands onyou). She just seemed so happy to be there with me. I was in shockand my stomach was in knots. We sat there and had lunch I was inawe. God had finally blessed me with the woman of my dreams, andone who amazingly enough seemed so interested in me.After the date,I did nothing all afternoon except fantasize about how the rest ofmy life was going to be: Where we were going to live, how beautifulour kids were going to be, what it would be like making love toher, and on and on. How many times have you thought that way whenmeeting a woman who knocked your socks off? She called How To Be A3% Man16me later on that night and we talked for hours (what Ishould have done was get off the phone and set the next definitedate. I would have built more sexual anticipation that way). As thedays went by she just kept calling me and was really aggressive. Wewent out for lunch the next week and met out for drinks a fewtimes. An important tip is to treat a woman like a lover always,never a friend or she will assume you are gay, weak, lackconfidence, etc. and generally not a catch. If you act like a niceguy and do lunches and movies, but never make a physical move tokiss her, etc., usually by the second or third date youll get thelets just be friends speech. Men who are successful and have choicewith women, plan evening dates that can lead to sex at your placeor hers. I like to call it a fun-filled romantic opportunity forsex to happen. That is, after all, the whole point of seduction. Toget closer and closer to her until you end up inside of her.Iremember one night when I took another guy friend and met her outat a night club her father owned. She seemed to know everyonethere. Every time we got to talking, someone else would take heraway from our conversation. After a while my friend wanted to gosomewhere else. He said she was jerking me around and that weshould go. I hadnt seen her for a while, so we left. Early the nextmorning she called and asked: Where did you go last night? I waslooking everywhere for you. My only thought was: What?Agreeing toor making group dates with her or your friends almost always leadsto you getting cock-blocked and rejected. I learned that lesson thehard way too many times. No group dates until shes officially yourgirlfriend and in love with you. It interferes with a womansability to bond with you emotionally. Women also are afraid ofbeing labeled a slut by their friends. Therefore, if you plan groupPart I: In the Beginning17dates, her fear of being labeled a slutif she sleeps with you right away will get in the way of seducingher successfully. The night before I had felt as though I was justanother guy and she had lost interest in me. I put it off as afigment of my imagination and I was back in the game. Walking awayhad a positive effect on her attraction for me, but I did notunderstand this at the time. I later learned that it is ascientific fact that women are more attracted to men whose feelingsare unclear. Google Corey Wayne Science Proves Women Are MoreAttracted To Men Whose Feelings Are Unclear. This went on for a fewmore weeks until she stopped calling me. I called her and receivedno answer. The next day she called me at home and left a message tosay she was calling me back. She knew I wasnt home and would be atwork. She usually called my pager when she wanted to get hold ofme. Finally, she no longer returned my calls. I was devastated. Mydream girl did not want me. I was stunned. I sent her flowers. Shecalled to say thanks but then gave me an answer I didnt understandwhen I asked her to go out with me again. Needless to say, she nolonger wanted anything to do with me. It hurt even more when Iheard she was dating another guy. I thought: How could she justtoss me aside like that? My nice guy approach and not making a movegot me nowhere.About six months later I met the girl who wouldbecome my first wife. We met on a Friday night. I was leaving ourfavorite hangout with my friend Sean, and a mutual friend of ours,P.K., ran after me to tell me that her friend Shane really had thehots for me and wanted to meet me. Sean and I walked back in and Iconfidently strode up to her.How To Be A 3% Man18I really wanted toleave, but I thought: Hey, this cute girl really likes me. So Igave her my business card and told her to call me. She replied: Idont call guys, so here is your card back and Ill give you my phonenumber if you like. I was a little surprised, but I took hernumber. I called her early the next week to ask her out and talkedto her mother. I never heard back from her.The following Friday Iran into P.K. again and she asked: What ever happened with Shane? Itold her I had left a message with Shanes mother and never heardback from her. P.K. said: I guarantee she did not get the messagebecause her parents never tell her when someone calls for her. Shetold me I needed to call her again.Early the next week I called andactually got her on the phone. We made a date for that Thursday. Wewent out and had a really good time.We dated for about a year and ahalf, and then I decided I wanted to move to Orlando because I justloved everything about the city. Everything was new and growing andI just felt like it was the place for me. Shane told me the onlyway she would move to Orlando is if we were engaged to get married.So I went ahead and bought an engagement ring.After getting thering, I remember feeling as though it was not the right thing todo, and that I was not ready to get married. I didnt want to losemy relationship with Shane and proposed anyway. Even afterwards Ihad doubts. After talking to my friends, I came to the conclusionthat I just had cold feet. I was simply too weak to stand up formyself and be a man at that time.We did get married, but it was adifficult marriage. I wasnt happy in my career and wanted to startmy own business. Neither one of us Part I: In the Beginning19wasfulfilled in our relationship with each other. A little over a yearafter getting married we were down in Ft. Lauderdale at my friendSeans wedding. I went out for a night on the town with P.K.shusband and a friend of mine, Alan, while our wives stayed home.Weran into two sisters we had gone to high school with. One of them Ihad had a huge crush on. We were both exploring spirituality andhad an amazing conversation. She had been a cheerleader and Iremember sitting there thinking about how I didnt feel this wayabout my wife. A few weeks later I decided it wasnt fair to eitherone of us to stay together. I was not giving her the love shedeserved. It was the hardest thing I ever had to do, but I told herI did not want to stay together. We remained friends until shemoved back home a few years later and we lost touch.I was free, orso I thought. Free to find the type of woman I knew I reallydeserved and desperately wanted to be with. I did not date, or evenwant to date, for about six months. I just wanted to heal and getclear. I focused on my new business and personal growth.When I feltready, I started working on trying to find the type of woman Ireally wanted to be with. It was not long before I met one. Fromthe moment I laid eyes on her she took my breath away. There wasonly one small problem. She had a boyfriend. I thought: Just myluck. Yet another woman I want that is unavailable.Do you see apattern here? I continued to date other women and about two yearsafter meeting her, she became single again. I was at the bar whereshe worked and she was telling me that she had recently broken upwith her boyfriend. I asked her for her number as usual and almostfell over when she gave it to me. I couldnt believe it. So I calledher the next day and we set a date for a Saturday.How To Be A 3%Man20Years later I realized that I tended to fall for unavailablewomen because emotionally it felt exactly the same as myrelationship with my mother. Both of my parents were emotionlesszombies. No kissing, hugging, hand holding, I love yous, etc.between each other. They were the same way toward my brother andme. We got yelled at and smacked around when we upset them, butnever heard, Im proud of you! Great job! I love you! Etc. We justgot verbal and physical abuse when we were wrong, and mostlyignored the rest of the time. I love my parents, but as I got olderI realized that they were pretty fucked up emotionally. They camefrom fucked up families also. However, I have forgiven them and Iwould not be who I am without their parenting, good and bad. Itmade me really tough and able to endure insults from anyone andovercome tremendous odds. Thats helped me tremendously to perseverewhen things look hopeless. To find a way, not a way out when facedwith challenges.I took her out on my jet skis, which were at afriends lakefront house. We rode around on the water all day,stopping at a lakeside restaurant for lunch. For only the secondtime in my life I was on a date with the type of woman I reallywanted to be with. The day was perfect and I was on cloud nine. Istarted fantasizing again about the future, what our kids would belike, where we would live, and what a fabulous life I would havewith her. Well, she was leaving on vacation and would be gone for aweek. So when I thought she would be back, I sent her an email. Ididnt hear from her for a couple days. I thought she had blown meoff. I was hurt, so I wrote a long nasty email accusing her ofmistreating me and made an ass of myself. When she did finally getback in town, she sent a nasty email in return and told me to getlost. I tried apologizing for months afterwards but it did not doany good. She would not take my Part I: In the Beginning21calls orreturn my emails. So there I was: Strike Two. I resolved not to getmarried again unless I found the type of woman I really wanted andknew I deserved.When I was 30, I started picking through all theinformation I could get my hands on about how to understand women.Some of it went against everything I had believed to be right. Mysuccess with the ones I really wanted never got past the first fewweeks, so I felt I had nothing to lose and everything to gain bytrying some of the information out.I read some of the books andwebsite articles out there and thought: Now I have it! A guy whosework really helped open my eyes was Doc Love. His website I encourage you to buy his dating dictionary. You candownload his kindle version or order a paperback one with CDs. Ithink its $100 bucks on his website with the CDs, and $29 bucks forjust the kindle version on I dont agree with everythinghe believes/teaches, and some things he teaches Ive found to not beaccurate, but he is mostly spot on and funny as hell. Doc helped merealize I could apply my sales skills to pre-qualifying a womansinterest before taking her out on a date to make sure she wasreally interested in me romantically. I went out and startedapplying the principles I learned in self-help, Docs stuff anddozens of others, and was amazed at how my being a challenge,indifferent, making definite dates, using body language attractionskills, simple pickup approaches, seduction techniques, only usinga phone to set dates and not to talk, asking questions, onlycalling a girl once per week for a date, etc. had a positive effecton the ladies attraction level. I dated one woman who claimed tohave posed for Playboy. On our first date, she showed me thepictures to get my opinion, expecting me to drool. I thought tomyself: Oh, my those How To Be A 3% Man22cant be real! I maintainedmy composure and said they were nicely done.After a few weeks, Irealized that although she was physically a 10, everything else inher life was not exactly what I was looking for. I never called heragain. She was a mess. She lived with her ex husband and theirkids. The house was always a mess. She was never ready when I wentto pick her up, etc. For the first time, I blew off a beautifulwoman. Now I started thinking that I really understood women andwas a little full of myself. A few weeks later, I met a girl whojust blew me away. I was intoxicated with her beauty and sexappeal. I looked her right in the eyes the night we met and saidwith 100% certainty, youre intoxicating to look at. She was andstill is to this day one of the most beautiful, sexy, charming andfun women on the planet.We dated for a few weeks, and then thingsstarted getting a little squirrelly. She started out calling meeveryday, and I acted as though I knew what was really going on,even though I still had a lot to learn. Then she became lessavailable and started telling me things that didnt make any sensewhen I asked her out. One example I remember is: Im not sure whereI am able to be at this time in my life. I thought to myself: Whatthe hell does that mean? She told me about an operation she mighthave to have and other things going on that were supposedlyhindering her spending time with me. She never did have theoperation and I heard from mutual friends that she had been out onthe town with an ex-boyfriend. What was really going on was I wasstarting to over-pursue, be too available, talk on the phone toomuch instead of in person, letting her walk all over me, etc.PartI: In the Beginning23Why You Need To Read This Book More ThanOnceSo I picked up my stack of books again, and must have readthrough them 15 times. I found that I had missed a lot ofinformation. Studies show that people retain only 7-10% of whatthey read after reading it. That is why I am going to recommend youread this book 10-15 times if you really want to understand thismaterial and have the relationship of your dreams. Repetition isthe mother of skill and you must understand all aspects of pickup,dating and relationships to be successful long term. Guys who readmy book, website articles, newsletters and videos, but who arestill are having problems; usually dont know the material in thisbook well enough.I started applying the material I learned inearnest. It took about a month and a half of playing it cool untilshe went out with me again. It took me a year and a half to masterthe tools and techniques and get her to fall in love with me. I hadfinally done it. I got the lady of my dreams. We dated for abouttwo years, and I was a part of her daughters life for many yearsafter we broke up. Her daughter is all grown up now, and I cantbelieve how this tiny little 5 year old I carried in my arms is nowan adult! Kids change your life and she changed mine.After goingthrough this whole process, I learned some valuable lessons aboutmyself. My own insecurities and doubts about being enough of a manto attract the lady of my dreams had all been an illusion. What youfear you attract, but what you look at disappears. I no longerfeared beautiful women and was a completely centered and confidentman. I notice as I walk around, whether in the mall, or grocerystore, or wherever, I now get a lot of looks from women, whereasbefore they never seemed to notice. Its all about carrying How ToBe A 3% Man24yourself with your chest out, your head back and afeeling of being proud of yourself. Later in this book I will gointo extensive detail about body language that attracts women andhow to emulate it, but using proper body language, facialexpressions and voice tone will make you appear to give off thesame vibe and energy as the captain of the football team does.Google Corey Wayne Body Language That Attracts Women. Its walkingand acting exactly like a dominant alpha male walks. Everyone canfeel when a dominant male or female walks into a room. Its likemoths to a light bulb!Women have invisible radar that can feel aconfident, centered man approaching. Its an amazing feeling to beable to walk up to any woman I want and strike up a conversation.It has been a long journey to get to this place. The next lady Imet became my girlfriend for a year. With her I had an amazingrelationship from the start.Back in October 2004, I sat down andmade my list of the ideal woman that I wanted to bring into mylife. In December 2004, about six weeks later, I went to aweek-long Tony Robbins event in Palm Springs, California called:Date with Destiny. I remember walking in and they had these littleping pong balls. You would write your name on it and they assignedyou a number. This was for various drawings that they would beholding during the duration of the event. When you went to put itinto the tumbler, they told you: Put a good intention behind it!The only prize I really wanted was to bring a new woman into mylife a soulmate. That was the intention that I put into my ball asI threw it into the tumbler.The next day, which was actually thefirst day of the event, I saw this girl walk in. She was stunningand tiny, about 52. She just sort of strode into the room and satdown in the front row. I was sitting Part I: In theBeginning25directly behind her. At that point, I didnt get much ofa glimpse of her face, but her body was perfect. Her pants were sotight that they looked to be painted on her, and she had the mostperfect figure I had ever seen in my entire life. I later learnedshe was a former Miss Figure winner.At a Tony Robbins event, every20-30 minutes or so, he has the participants stand up, stretch out,and get the blood flowing to keep the participants alert and awaketo the information they are receiving. It was during a stretchbreak that she stood up and turned around, making eye contact withme. She had these big, beautiful brown eyes and long, straightblond hair. To me, she was physically perfect everything that I hadput on my list just six weeks before. I knew instantly that she wasinterested and that I was going to get to know her. Unfortunately,she left before the event was over the first night, so we didnt geta chance to meet. The event lasted five days and there were only1500 people attending, so I knew we would meet again before theevent was over.The next night I was coming out of the dining roomof a restaurant at the hotel and there she was talking to heruncle, who was a friend of mine. At the time, I had no idea theywere related. I went over and started talking to my friend, andnoticed her looking at me the whole time. She was eagerly hoping wewould talk. She wanted me and it was written all over her face. Ifinally turned and asked her name, and then she asked mine. Shealso told me that she had noticed me sitting behind her the daybefore, and described what I had been wearing. That, in and ofitself told me that she was very attracted to me.With her eyecontact, her body language, her attention to me, and many otherlittle signs, I knew without a doubt that she had that high How ToBe A 3% Man26level of attraction. I had come to a place in my lifewhere I had been living these things for so long that my ownpersonal radar was sharp. I also somehow knew she was single. Thisis the place you can get to, if you follow this material. Its aplace where you dont have to think about it any more, it justbecomes a part of who and what you are. You walk around with thistotal air of confidence, and women will notice. As David DeAngelosays, Attraction is not a choice. He offers some good datingproducts I found out about after I had written the first edition ofthis book. His website is A woman knows inabout 3 seconds if you make the cut or not. You must be a 5 orbetter on a scale of 1 to 10 in order to have a chance to date her.If you are a 4 or below in her eyes, you aint got a chance. Moveon. Since I coach men from all over the world for a living, mostguys spend way too much time interacting with or being hung up onwomen who have little to no romantic attraction for them. Theaverage guy, since he does not know what hes doing and howattraction works, is literally talking women right out of sleepingwith him. If you frequent bars and nightclubs watch, observe andlisten. You will see a woman be excited to talk to a guy, butwithin a few minutes shes trying to get away and he has no idea!You can verify everything I teach by watching men and womeninteract. Its fascinating to people watch.I looked right at her andasked her to dinner the next night, with a specific time and place.She will tell you that my presence and confidence left her nochoice but to accept. She said, I couldnt say no. She told me thatno one had ever asked her out by being so direct and sure ofhimself. She also told me later that guys had been coming up to herall week, with the: Hey, would you like to get dinner or lunch PartI: In the Beginning27and get to know each other type of line. Butthe way they went about it said immediately that they were weak andhad no confidence. They werent direct and they gave no specifics,leaving it wide open. I just said: Lets go to dinner, at this time,at this place, and she went along with it. Definite dates are thesubtle difference that makes all the difference when it comes tosetting dates women actually keep.We met the next night after theevent was over and never did order dinner. We ended up having teaall night. We were talking so much, or I should say, she wastalking so much. I let her do about 80% of the talking and I justkept asking her questions. That by the way, is how to remainmysterious and cause a woman to be even more curious about you andromantically interested in you by the end of your date. I wastotally fascinated by her. At about three oclock in the morningwhen the cleaning crew started cleaning the carpet; we finally feltit was time to go. As we stood up to leave, I couldnt help myself.I reached across the table and started kissing her. Then I walkedher back to her hotel down the street.The rest of the week we werealways with each other, as though we had been together for years.Even others who saw us thought we had been together for years. Itwas so effortless. There was no holding back. We were holding handsand we were affectionate. I had no doubt of myself, I showed nofear, and I showed zero lack of confidence because of the littleknown secrets I had mastered. Because of the presence that Iexuded, she hardly tested me at all.We spent months at a timetogether over the next year. We explored various places Paris,London, Orlando, Miami, Colorado, sharing new discoveries around usand in each other. We had a lot of similar interests, and she wasinto personal growth and development. How To Be A 3% Man28Wecommunicated, which is a major point in relationships. Google CoreyWayne How To Communicate With Women Effectively. I always knewwhere she was at and how she felt toward me. I knew how tocontinually read her attraction level and how to see signs when Iwas becoming too complacent in the relationship.Eventually we endedup going our separate ways. Neither of us was ready to make acommitment to marriage, and she went back to school in the U.K. Icouldnt go from seeing her for several months at a time to seeingher for ten days every three months. I needed more than that. Whenwe did end the relationship, it was hard. It was hardest because weboth truly loved each other and we still do.Our whole time togetherwhile dating was effortless. We never fought or argued. We werealways affectionate, loving, kind, and focused on giving to oneanother. We never focused on what we were getting from each other,or were jealous or needy. It was all about loving each otherunconditionally and never being judgmental. Even when we decided toend our intimate relationship and see other people, we did it withlove.If two people truly love each other and want to be happy withtheir choice to go their separate ways, I do not think it is theloving thing to do to cut one another off from all communication. Iactually think that makes it harder to heal. The hard part about arelationship ending is the finality of it all. Going from beingeach others best friend and lover to no longer speaking is notbeing loving in my opinion. It just seeks to hurt the other person.Many people feel that trying to hurt the other person will makethem feel better.I think sharing your feelings with each other whena relationship ends is very helpful and important to the healingprocess. The purpose Part I: In the Beginning29of an intimaterelationship, in my opinion, is to love each other and to help eachother grow and become more. Youre there to meet each others needs.The whole purpose of a relationship is you go there to give. Theonly thing we lost when our relationship ended was the physicalintimacy.Any relationship is about giving. It is not about what youget. We decided we wanted to give a little differently than we didbefore. By loving each other through the transition, there was noneed to hurt or feel a loss. The things that make a relationshiphurt when it ends is the loss of all contact with the person welove. We built on what we had created in our year together, andtherefore there was nothing to lose. We still talk via email a fewtimes a year and shes now a Chiropractor, living in Finland.Onceguys really understand women and are able to get into arelationship, they will eventually realize, like I did, that everyrelationship is an opportunity for growth. Just because youabsolutely adore and treasure the person youre with, it doesnt meanthat you will spend the rest of your life with that person, or evenmarry them.I read once that only 3% or 3 out of 100 men understandwomen. In my experience, this is an accurate figure. If you wantrelationship heartaches to be over and to become one of the 3% ofmen that understand women, then read and apply the principles thatare here. Then go back and read them again to retain the knowledge.When you think you have it down pat, read it again.These areprinciples that I have learned from numerous sources and applied inmy own life. I know they work and in the following pages you willfind the truth to finally understanding women. I will not only giveyou simple how to examples, but I will explain why things How To BeA 3% Man30are the way they are from an emotional, spiritual,physical, and mental point of view.The purpose of my life is tohelp others grow and become more. I dont want anyone to have togrow up in a loveless family like I did. It sucks. I did not enjoymy childhood very much. By understanding this, you can at least bein a relationship with someone that you absolutely love, treasure,and adore. I can teach you how to have a great relationship andkeep the perfect girl attracted long term, but I cant make you stayin love with them. They can help you to understand the type of manthat you are totally capable of becoming and even become that man.At the same time, you inspire and help her grow into everything sheis capable of becoming as a woman. If the relationship reaches apoint where it is no longer an opportunity for both people tocontinue growing together, then its time to move on. "When you meetsomeone whose soul isn't aligned with yours... send them love andmove on." Dr. Wayne Dyer.I have done all the hard work and spentmany years of heartache and heartbreak to learn and understand thisknowledge. Ive been successfully applying the best self-helpprinciples over the past two and a half decades. I teach whatworks, not theory. If you choose to have faith and apply what youlearn here, you will become attuned and will be able to readexactly what is going on with your lady emotionally at every momentand completely understand what she needs. It will put you in thedrivers seat in your intimate relationships. "Excellence is not asingular act but a habit. You are what you do repeatedly." Aristotle.You will be able to help your friends and family overcometheir relationship struggles as well. However, I have found thatvery few Part I: In the Beginning31people actually are open tolearning new relationship skills. While you are learning thisinformation and applying it, do not seek the advice of your friendsunless you are 100% certain they understand women. It is verysimple unless they have the kind of relationship you wish to createin your own life, dont ask them for advice.Enjoy the knowledge thatappears in the following pages and I want you to know I haveimmense love, respect, and care for you and your desire to have therelationship of your dreams. I was once searching like you are now.I wanted to find the answer. I found a lot of answers from a lot ofdifferent sources and have put down in these pages the best of theinformation that I personally use.It is important for you tounderstand that you should not read this book and then go out andsettle down with the first woman you meet. This book is aboutfinding the type of woman you feel you deserve to be with. Thosefeelings may change and evolve over time, as you change and evolveas a person. You may find the absolute perfect woman for you on dayone, and then six months later realize that there are subtledifferences you would make that would create an even bettersituation for you. Its about constantly refining your criteria, andin the meantime, having the experiences you need in order to learn,so you can eventually focus 100% on the woman of your dreams.Google Corey Wayne How To Attract The Perfect Woman. You wont haveto spend your time with her wondering if the grass is greener onthe other side of the fence. You will have been on the other sideand experienced it. I want you to have someone who knocks yoursocks off! Besides, that is your birthright as a child of theCreator.I will focus on giving you tools for lasting change so youcan permanently undo your not-so-desirable habits and bring out theHow To Be A 3% Man32amazing man you are inside the one that allwomen are just dying to meet. The great news is that you alreadyhave this natural talent and ability inside. If you will allow meto coach you how to be comfortable being yourself, then you can bea 3% man and you will own the heart of your lady for life.Part I:In the Beginning3334Part II: The Way Things AreMy Evolution ofUnderstandingI have dated many beautiful women. In my earlier yearsI said and did all the wrong things that we men tend to do. In mylater years of dating, I finally got it right. So how did I go fromclueless wonder to this point of understanding? There was onewoman, my missing link, if you will, that opened my eyes tounderstanding women. Dont get me wrong, all the women in my life,and all of my dating experiences helped bring me to the point whereI am today. But it was this particular woman that helped me put itall together.I mentioned this story in the introduction, but Iwanted to go over it again to show how this particular relationshipactually helped to evolve my understanding of women. In my earlieryears of dating, somewhere around 1994, I met this woman. She haddark hair, dark eyes, nice skin, and she was tiny. She told mestraight out: Im 105 pounds. We had gone to high school together,but she had been a year behind me. I hadnt seen her for a coupleyears and I was out with a good friend of mine. She walked up and Iwas just stunned. Her beauty left me breathless.I was having somebeers with my buddy Sean and he introduced us. I could tell she wasinterested by the way she was looking at me. I could feel that shewas really attracted to me. That was my first awareness ofunderstanding. There had been several times in my life where I hadthought a woman was attracted to me, and then could never get anyfurther than her phone number. This was blatant and in Part II: TheWay Things Are35my face. I could FEEL her attraction. There was nodoubt in my mind that this woman had a high level of attraction.Iwas still pretty clueless back then, though. The night went on andwe went our separate ways. When I woke up the next day, thehorrible feeling dawned on me: I didnt get her number. However, shehad told me where she worked. I took a chance and called her atwork and basically said: Hi, this is Corey. She told me she wasreally busy, but asked me to give her my number and she would callme back the next day. Deep down I feared she would never call backlike all the others.I gave her my number and I was just so in awe.I actually had butterflies in my stomach. This was the first time Ihad met a girl that I really liked that was also really into me.She actually called me the next day and I talked to her for atleast an hour and a half on the phone. While we talked, she told methings such as she had just split up with her boyfriend, and thenwent on to volunteer all this other information about herself. Shewas asking me all these questions like: How come you dont have agirlfriend?I was kind of an open book. I wasnt very mysterious. Itwasnt until later that I figured out I hadnt handled that part theright way. The right thing to do would have been to talk for nomore than 10 minutes and then say, Hey, when are you free to meetup for a drink? make definite plans and get off the phone. However,she did most of the talking, which was exactly the right thing todo. Honestly, I dont really remember much of what I said to her. Ijust let her talk and I listened. I have found that women love totalk, men just need to learn how to listen.How To Be A 3%Man36Believe me, gentlemen, there is a right and wrong way to theart of listening that we will be covering later in the book.Finally she asked: Why dont we go to lunch this week? I jumpedright on that and set a date. That was another thing I did rightwithout even realizing it: I made a firm commitment for a date, andthen left it at that.So, she showed up for lunch that day wearingthese really short shorts. She had an unbelievable body with a nicetan, and she was breathtaking absolutely drop dead gorgeous. I wasworking construction at the time. I was still going to school forconstruction management and I was a project engineer at the jobsite office. I was in the back and I heard the door open and shewalked in. The guys called out from the front, saying: Corey, yourlunch dates here. When I walked out, the guys had been having ameeting at the conference table and they were just staring at her.It felt so good, because she was obviously there to go out withme.That was another thing I did right. I knew she was there for meand took pride in it. It didnt make me jealous to have all theseguys staring at the woman I was dating. They were jealous of mebeing with her, but they were enjoying what they were seeing. Inthat regard, I was in a place of strength and confidence. A womandefinitely takes notice of little things like that.We went up thestreet and had a great lunch. Again, she did most of the talking,which was the right thing. The truth is that I was nervous andcouldnt think of much to say, so she just went on talking. She wasvery aggressive. After that first date, she was paging me and wedmeet out and have some drinks. With hindsight, I realize now thatshe was pursuing me because I did so little of the talking. I was abit of a mystery to her. In reality, I was an open book and notsure Part II: The Way Things Are37enough of myself to speak up. Shejust had not caught onto that yet. My only thought was: This isgreat. This girls all over me.Her dad was very wealthy and he owneda night club in Fort Lauderdale. One night she invited me there. Iwent with another friend of mine. It was a very busy club. She hadall these guys coming up to her and hugging her, and she seemed toknow everybody there. She kept walking away and talking, and allthese people kept grabbing her to talk. Finally, my friend said:Lets go, dude. She doesnt care about you.I was pretty bummed out,but agreed. She really didnt seem to care whether I was there ornot. The next morning she called me and asked: What happened to youlast night? I looked everywhere for you. I held the phone away,thinking: What? I found out by accident that I had done the rightthing, and I had just walked away. The strongest negotiatingposition is being able to walk away and mean it. Michael Yon.What is the quickest way to gain someones attention? Removeyours.If a woman is too sure of you, if she thinks she can walk allover you, her attraction drops. As I said earlier, its a scientificfact that women are more attracted to men whose feelings areunclear. Most of the time women wont call you and ask you out.Theyll simply call to say, I had a great time the other night. Iwas thinking about you. Hey, this is really random and then proceedto talk about some innocuous subject. Think of dating like playingpoker. You simply want to hold your cards close to your vest so shereveals her cards first. When women are uncertain or unclear ofyour interest, they will put themselves into your orbit bycontacting you. When a woman starts chasing you by initiatingcontact first (usually after the 2nd or 3rd How To Be A 3%Man38date on average), it causes her to start chasing you more andmore. Shell call, text, email, message, etc. more and more as theweeks go by. Its always better if a woman thinks that she wants youa little more than you want her. When that happens, talk for only afew minutes and then ask, Hey when are you free to get togetheragain? and make your next date. You should always assume that whena woman reaches out to you, shes really trying to make it easy foryou to make another date to get together. Once a woman feelscomfortable enough, she will start calling you more and more as theweeks go by, assuming you keep doing more things right than wrong.So by not sitting back and letting her walk all over me, by walkingaway, I demonstrated my strength in letting her know that I wasntgoing to take being ignored. I showed that I could walk away fromher at any time. That wasnt the truth of what had happened, butthat wasnt how she saw it.I had walked away because I felt shedidnt care about me and now she wanted to know where I was at andwhat I was doing. It baffled me at the time. This went on foranother two or three weeks and we went out a couple more times. Inever did kiss her. We hugged every time we saw each other, but Ijust didnt have the guts to go for it.How do you know when a womanis open to being kissed? As you are talking and you are sittingclose, her knee may be touching yours, she may be touching your armor body, she may be leaning toward you, standing so close that herbody is bumping yours, etc., then as shes talking slowly, move youreyes from looking into hers to looking at her lips, then back toher eyes, slowly back to her lips and then into her eyes again overthe course of 5-7 seconds. If she looks at your lips at any timewhile you are doing this, it means shes ready to be kissed. PartII: The Way Things Are39Do it! If you wait and hesitate too long,she will lose attraction and assume you are not worthy.Eventually,she stopped calling. It got to the point where I called her andleft her a message. She called me the next day at my house, but sheknew I wasnt there. I was at work. She had always paged me before.So she had called me at home on purpose, when she knew I wouldnt bethere.The bottom line was that I was so easy and so available, thatshe saw me as weak and thought she could basically have her waywith me. She would invite me to come out and I would meet her. Ididnt take control. I had no center. Eventually she saw that andthen she just blew me off. A guy who is good looking can get awayon his looks for the first few dates. If hes not centered, weak,and always does what she wants, her attraction will lower to thepoint where she doesnt want to see him any more. That was whathappened with me. I was devastated.It was about six months laterwhen I met the woman who would become my ex-wife. I remember beingout on a date at the same bar where I had met the other woman. Myex-wife was all over me, and I remember seeing the other woman outof the corner of my eye, just staring at the two of us together.Once again, I was confused, thinking: I dont get it. Im withsomebody else. She didnt want me before. Now Im with my newgirlfriend and shes always checking me out. If I was out without myex-wife, shed come up and flirt with me. I kept thinking: Whatgives? I dont get it. Women like a guy who has options with women,but dont rub it directly in her face. When you are with a woman andshe knows or assumes you are dating other women, just make her feela little more special than the other girls you How To Be A 3%Man40are dating. Otherwise, shell assume you plan on having sex andblowing her off as another notch in your bedpost. So if she says,how many other women are you dating? say, I dont kiss and tell, butnone of those girls are as awesome as you are, honey. with a JamesBond smirk on your face. Thats all. Keep it simple, charming,playful and little vague. Let her fill in the blanks in her mind.Itis all about the energy and the confidence the guy exudes. Im sureevery guy has had this experience whenever they are dating someone,every girl wants them. When they are single, no one wants to datethem. Women have this radar. When a woman sees a guy with a woman,especially another beautiful woman, she wonders: Hmmmwhats that guygot? Women are very competitive in that respect.Why You Should NotGet Advice From Women about WomenWhen I was having troubleunderstanding women, I remember going to my women friends foradvice. I figured: Hey, theyre women, so they should have a clueand be able to help me out, right? Wrong. The advice they gave meseemed sound, and it meshed with what I had always thought aboutwomen. This sometimes pisses women off, but the truth is, theaverage woman does not understand what attracts them to one guy vs.another. What they say they want in a man is not what they actuallydate and stay with. Most women, when you bring your problems aboutunderstanding another woman to them, will try to make you feelbetter about what is going on. It is just like when you try to datea woman, she is not going to tell you straight out: Hey, Im reallynot interested. A woman friend is not going to burst your ego andtell you: Hey, it sounds as though Part II: The Way Things Are41shejust doesnt like you. Move on. Instead, they will give yourationalizations: Maybe she is just coming out of a badrelationship. Maybe she really isnt getting your calls. Maybe shejust likes you too much and is afraid of getting into somethingright now. Women are emotional beings and will always think abouthow what they say is going to make you feel. So take their advicewith a grain of salt.Why do women, even our female friends, do thisto us? I believe it is mostly because they dont want to deal withyour questions of: So tell me why she doesnt like me. Is theresomething wrong with me? without hurting your feelings. They wouldrather try to soothe it over and nudge you gently in anotherdirection, rather than being straight up about their suspicions andhurt you.Women are all about emotions and emotional reactions. Menare more straightforward. While men may deal from a place ofemotions, they dont take time to necessarily look at the emotionalside of the equation. They would rather have simple,non-emotionally clouded answers. The trouble is that our womenfriends do nothing more than cloud the issue rather than setting usstraight.Why Women Want to Chase YouAnother part of it is thatwomen often know what they want; they just dont know how to expressit in terms of how to get there. Women say they want romance, andon a certain level thats true. But they also want to be engaged inthe chase. Dating is a full experience of emotions for them. Theydont want everything dropped in their laps. They want to feel asthough they have earned your love, and that you have earnedtheirs.How To Be A 3% Man42Heres how to get women to chase you byunderstanding the love and relationship dynamic between littlegirls and their fathers. Little girls tend to go to their fathersand sit in their laps for love and reassurance. When a girl becomesunsure of herself, afraid or upset, she will go sit in her daddyslap for love and reassurance. He is her rock. Her unmovableMountain that is always there and always accepts and loves herunconditionally. He makes her feel safe and comfortable.I remembera trip to the beach I took one time with a former girlfriend, her7-year-old daughter and some family. During the day we were in thepool because it was hot. The father of my girlfriends daughter wasnever around very much. He was constantly disappointing her. Iremember the sad look on her face after her father would tell herhe was not going to be seeing her when she wanted to see him. Itmade her feel like he did not love her. However, I was the fatherfigure that took his place when he was not around, which was mostof the time. As I was standing in the middle of the pool, mygirlfriends daughter kept jumping from the side of the pool into myarms. It was more like she would fall into my arms so I would grabher and embrace her. She got in and out of the pool dozens of timesto do this. She never tired of it.I remember another time when Iwas picking up her daughter to take her for the day to DisneyWorld, one of her favorite places. As I was driving to pick her up,she would call me to see where I was and how close I was. When Iarrived at her grandmothers house to pick her up, she said to mewith a big beautiful smile on her face, Stop! Wait there! So Istopped as she started to run toward me. She jumped into my arms asI knelt down to catch her. I picked her up for a big hug and kiss.I loved that little munchkin, and still do today even though PartII: The Way Things Are43shes all grown up! Time flies! She totallyopened my heart and changed my life. Kids are our greatestteachers.The important thing to understand about the love andrelationship dynamic between little girls and their fathers and whyit causes women to chase the men they desire, is they both cravethe unconditional love and masculine presence of the men they loveor care about. When a woman contacts you by telephone, text,e-mail, instant message, etc., she is looking for you tocommunicate through your actions that she is loved, wanted andadored. When women become unsure of where they stand with you orwhen they miss you, they contact you so you can make it easy forthem to get the love and reassurance they are seeking. So if awoman contacts you, you must assume it is because she wants youphysically, emotionally, spiritually and mentally. She wants to bepenetrated by you and your love. Obviously, little girls grow upand have adult relationships with the men they love. However, thedynamic of how women go about getting this love is similar to howthey seek love and support from their fathers.When a woman contactsyou, she wants you in some way. If you really love and care abouther, you will facilitate getting together. Women assume that if youdo not facilitate getting together when they contact you, that youdont care for them or want them. It does not matter what you say,what you promise in the future or what you did for them last week.If you dont make a date or make room in your schedule for her rightnow, she will assume that you dont love her that much anymore. Whenwomen do not feel that you love them, or love them enough, theywill feel hurt and often become bitchy and resentful. Google CoreyWayne Men: Beware Of The Bitchy Woman.How To Be A 3% Man44Thinkabout what this means. Women will chase you if you give them thespace to miss you by not chasing them. Your inaction will causethem to take some action to get confirmation that you care anddesire them. In essence, all you really have to do is simply sayyes to their advances. If a woman is chasing you, she cant begetting rid of you. Why chase women when women not only are dyingto chase you, but theyve been training, conditioning, thinking,feeling and acting as the pursuer of masculine love & presencetheir whole lives? Men who chase women get rejected because thevery act of chasing a woman is a submissive feminine quality. Plus,it simply will not feel right to a woman if you chase her. If youdo she will become flakey, unsure of things, confused, etc.One ofthe biggest booming industries in the publishing world that catersto women is the romance novel. They sell millions of these books towomen all over the world. You will find that even the mostintelligent of women, ones that proclaim these books to be nothingmore than drivel, have read one or two of these books at one timeor another in their lives. What is the big draw?Most of yourromance novels have a very basic formula to them. You can even goto the manuscript submission pages for the publishing houses andfind what that formula is: Boy meets girl. Boy usually treats girlwith indifference. Girl finds boy contemptible, yet cannot seem tostay away from him. Girl and boy fight the growing attraction. Boyends up with girl in a very romantic

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